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Packet Capture Solution
Network Monitoring Solution


【Product Info】Integrated Network Monitoring/Analysis Solution SYNESIS Next

~Reducing Time and Effort for Enterprise Network Monitoring & Analysis~

SYNESIS Next offers total support for visualizing enterprise networks and resolving issues by integrating Toyo Corporation’s packet capture tool “SYNESIS” with the network monitoring/analysis tool “NetEyez.”

SYNESIS link NetEyez|Network Monitoring Solution|TOYO Corporation【Offical Site】
SYNESIS Next Overview

SYNESIS Next solution, SYNESIS can capture large volumes of data without loss.
NetEyez can directly read data captured by SYNESIS and perform advanced analysis and visualization through DPI technology. NetEyez Security can read relevant data from SYNESIS and cybersecurity threat detection utilizing IoC & IDS.


Features of SYNESIS Next

  • Seamless Integration: Directly integrates “SYNESIS” with the “NetEyez” GUI.
  • Packet Data Analysis: Visualize communications through packet data captured by “SYNESIS”.
  • Problem and Threat Detection: Easily identify issues and security threats within the target data.
    • End-to-End Communication Visualization: Supports various SaaS services, including Microsoft 365.
    • DPI Technology: Conduct application protocol analysis using Deep Packet Inspection.
    • Service Performance Monitoring: Monitor response times for different communication services.
    • Built-in Threat Intelligence: Utilize a threat intelligence database* to detect various security threats with the “NetEyez Security” feature.


【SYNESIS Next Solution Use Cases】

Use Case 1: Network Troubleshooting

SYNESIS Next solution reduces network troubleshooting efforts and makes visual analysis easier.

■ Traditional Method

When analyzing data captured by SYNESIS for network troubleshooting, the common method used to be to save the data as a pcap file and open it in WireShark for analysis.

Network Troubleshooting|Network Monitoring Solution|TOYO Corporation【Offical Site】
Save pcap file > Copy > Analyze through WireShark

■ With SYNESIS Netx Solution

SYNESIS Next solution makes it possible to read packet data for a specified period of time stored on SYNESIS directly from NetEyez’s GUI, making it easy to visualize the content of communications and any problems.

Network Troubleshooting|Network Monitoring Solution|TOYO Corporation【Offical Site】
Direct data read from SYNESIS by NetEyez


Use Case2: Network Forensics and Security Analysis

When a security incident occurs, SYNESIS Next solution can preserve data and conduct advanced analysis.

Network Forensics and Security Analysis|Network Monitoring Solution|TOYO Corporation【Offical Site】
Network Forensics and Security Analysis

SYNESIS constantly captures packets. When the security device detects an alarm and sends a alarm notification (SNMP trap), it can trigger SYNESIS to lock the data at that point and prevent it from being overwritten.
NetEyez Security can read data directly from SYNESIS and utilize a threat intelligence database to detect various security threats.


◆ Features of “SYNESIS”


◆ Features of “NetEyez”

NetEyez > Network Traffic Analysis Solution NetEyez

◆ Features of “NetEyez Security”

NetEyez > Network Security Threat Analysis Solution NetEyez Security