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Packet Capture Solution
Network Monitoring Solution


Plug&Play, SYNESIS offers simple operations but advanced packet capture.


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SYNESIS Alert Setting

APM alert setting panel

SYNESIS provides various type of alert. System administrators can monitor each network by setting thresholds.

APM alerts can be set based on the following level: (1) Normal (2) Important (3) Critical. SYNESIS monitors the network in real-time and sends alerts (e.g. by email) when network has a problem. Also, SYNESIS can save  the problematic session only as a trace file.


With the SYNESIS Report setting panel, you can easily get a detailed report any time. This report, for example, shows which utilization is increasing at which port. The report can be customized to suit your own environments.

Report items
  • L2 Traffic
    Utilization, bytes/second, packets/second, throughput
  • TOP N application and application groups
    In/Out traffic, throughput
  • TOP N host
    In/Out traffic, throughput


SYNESIS Report setting panel


SYNESIS captures with putting index to each packet. You can check the network status or  trend based on KPI(Key Performance Indicator).

Selectable KPI
Packets, bytes, ART (Application Response Time), CRT (Client Response Time), NRT (Network Round-trip Time), PTT (Payload Transfer Time), SRT (Server Response Time), latency, retries, throughput, burst throughput

SYNESIS APM setting panel

Microburst detection

SYSNESIS monitors and detects a spike at 100μs intervals (minimum) based on the utilization or continuous packet thresholds pre-set by system administrators, making it possible to immediately identify and work on the microburst-causing traffic.

microburst-causing traffic

MFA(Multi Flow Analysis)

MFA image

This Multi Flow Analysis provides a visibility by displaying ladder diagram of connection view end to end, to see how transactions propagate.