【参考情報】Packets Rule – パケットキャプチャの重要性
当社の米国拠点であるTOYOTech LLC(米国・フリーモント)のICTチームが米国東海岸へSYNESISツアーを行いました。そのツアーを通し、SYNESIS誕生時のコンセプトともなった「取りこぼしなくキャプチャ」につき改めて重要性を認識したブログを公開しています。以下抜粋、続いて原文を転載致します。
Angelo Bustos
Solution Consultant Director
Packets Rule – an affirmation during an East Coast Road Trip
Tom Nakamura, a colleague and I just finished an East Coast road trip to visit prospects, customers, and partners. Thanks to those we met and their hospitality, allowing us to present and discuss SYNESIS to them and their respective teams.
One of our stops was to meet and strategize with our tech partners and friends at Garland Technologies at their HQ in Buffalo, New York. BTW: I just love their tagline: “See every bit, byte, and packet.” Big thanks to Chris Bihary, Garland Technology CEO, for his thoughts, vision, guidance, and hospitality. Both Tom and I now know more about Garland and are looking forward to future joint marketing and solution engagements.
We also made other stops in the New Jersey and Manhattan, NY area. One important affirmation during our road trip: While packet capture may be considered outdated to some, the engineers in charge of actually solving the toughest network and security problems live and die by their packet data. Whether for security, performance, or application issues, complete and reliable packet captures and resulting tracefiles are the primary and most reliable data source for troubleshooting. Furthermore, that data can be further visualized and reanalyzed using complementary tools, whether available now or still to be engineered. It’s like newfound DNA from a suspect of a decades old crime. Once you have it, a suspect can be justly blamed or exonerated. The same applies in networking. When someone tells you that your “network is slow” nothing beats complete packet data to help you fix the problem or to prove the conclusion was premature.