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Packet Capture Solution
Network Monitoring Solution


Deploying a temporary capture solution is costly and logistically challenging


● Background of the Task

Troubleshooting a network requires packet capture at a different location to identify where the cause is from upstream to downstream in the network. Faults can occur in fields as well as in the data center, and large, heavy, and stationary packet capture devices cannot easily accommodate packet capture at different locations.

● SYNESIS Solutions

SYNESIS offers a range of portable models. The line speed, capture performance, and storage size may be selected based on the application.
The device utilizes a durable SSD for storage. A dedicated convenient case equipped with casters makes it easy for transportation.

SYNESIS dedicated carry case in Paris|Packet Capture Solution|TOYO Corporation【Offical Site】
SYNESIS dedicated carry case in Paris


● User Benefit

The SYNESIS portable model weighs less than 10 kilograms and is an all-in-one unit featuring a display and keyboard. It comes with a convenient case equipped with casters for easy transportation. This turnkey solution allows for immediate use upon power-up, enabling you to quickly set up and capture data in the field. Additionally, remote network control is supported, providing flexibility in operation.