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Packet Capture Solution
Network Monitoring Solution


SYNESIS for ALAXALA Networks /Keio University in SC18


As part of the latest research on reconfigurable node and its experimental demonstration/PoC by ALAXALA Networks Corporation and Keio University,SYNESIS helps  their  PoC by supporting packet capture of  100GbE network between United States and Japan, in SC18 which is held 12-15 November 2018 in Dallas  USA.


This collaboration between ALAXALA Networks Corporation and Keio Univerisity (Mr. Naoaki Yamanaka Ph.D ,Information and Computer Science Departement) has been made in consideration of coming network requiring more flexibility with larger capacity for rapid  enhancement of internet service and mobile service . To meet this future requirement , ALAXALA Networks developped their new node architecture to realize reconfigurable communication function with over 100Gbps interface. With this game chaging technology, ALAXALA Networks and Keio University collaborate in experimental PoC such as self driving plat form in this SC18.


Full News Release ( Japanese only)

ALAXALA Networks Corporation

Keio University


[Exhibiton]SC18(The International Conference for High Performance Computing, Networking, Storage, and Analysis)

[Date]November  12-15 2018
[At]Kay Bailey Hutchison Convention Center

[Booth]#327(National Institute of Information and Communications Technology(NICT))